All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 68.4
Mean Score:
- Watching18
- Completed208
- On-Hold16
- Dropped2
- Plan to Watch196
- Total Entries440
- Rewatched22
- Episodes3,998
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 7.8
Mean Score:
- Total Entries126
- Reread0
- Chapters1,259
- Volumes129
All Comments (12) Comments
And I want to thank you because with your instructions about "how to add MAL-badges..."comment, I finally added my MAL badge to my profile.
BTW your profile is awesome, I love it!❤
First go to your profile and click About Me Design and roll it down until you find the Ranking settings, it’s below the Manga Settings. You will see you got 3 different settings to use: Ranking 1, 2 and 3.
If you are a MAL Supporter you can use any but if you are not I suggest you use the Ranking 3 Settings, you will see that each section of these ranking has different image shapes set as default and only supporters can change it: 1 is set to circle shape, 2 to landscape and 3 to portrait, imo 3 is the best fit for the badge.
Then you will need to update it manually:
1. I’ve title the section as MAL-Badges;
2. Now you go to your MAL-Badges profile and save the image of your badge to your computer;
3. Then you upload the image to the ranking;
4. On URL I’ve put the link to my MAL-Badge profile.
Note that it’s a static image, so everytime your badge changes you will need to redo this process of saving the image and uploading it again, that’s the only downside.
Enjoy! 😁
And just so you know, nobody's going to get that message after some time. It's going to become an ancient mystery.
I like what you did there.
(I was gonna reply but there wasn't an option)
There are some shows on your list that piqued my interest that are 100% going on my Plan-to-watch list.