A low rating doest't mean the work is necessarily bad, it just doesn't fit my rating criteria. The same goes for highly rated ones.
10: Perfection doesn't exist, but some works deserve a 10/10. It's a kinda arbitrary score, tho.
9: Extremely good works that fulfil their whole potential. It is a way to highlight the best works i've seen from each genre.
8: Really good works that stand out from the rest. I also include some of the mythical works that set a precedent in the history of the medium, regardless of how bad they may have aged.
7. Good works that reach important achievements, while being considerably common. You can usually find a few anime from this category each season. Worth watching, tho.
6. Fine works. We can find average stuff here. This includes most of the great shonen, which may be fun to watch but not too complex.
5. Mediocre works. Their flaws and virtues are balanced, but they hardly add anything new to the medium. I also include hard to classify stuff, such as kodomos. Bad adaptations also beong here.
4. Works in this category may still present good features, but generally the flaws prevail. We can find unnecessary sequels that ignore the concept of the original work here, too.
3. While this works could still be worse, they are definately bad, and quite presumptuous more often than not. Still not terrible, but they contribute few or nothing to the medium, while having important flaws, making it hard to enjoy them.
2. Terrible works. Still enjoyable by their targeted audience, but painful for the rest.
1. I've never given this score, and I don't plan to. In the same way I don't believe in flawless works, i don't think there can be one bad enough to not have a single positive feature.
Bonus points:
-Short extension. The good, if brief, is twice as good.
-Innovation. You can't expect an original concept to be polished. Originality has value per se.
-Character driven storys. Designing action scenes is really hard. But designing human characters? Even more.
-Long extension. I'm not even talking about filler episodes. I'm talking about redundant arcs, about mangas so stretched on that their meaning is lost on the way. About works with hundreds of support characters, but with zero development each.
-Unasked ecchi. Nudism is great... if it carries an artistic meaning behind. Ecchi works will hardly get more than a 2/10, unless they use this resource wiselly.
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