Hey i see you seriously disliked Elfenlied. Let me give you an advice. If you think ELFENLIED IS BAD, then NEVER EVER touch the Manga of it. The Anime is literally good (in comparison) to the Manga.
Anything bad you said about the Anime, needs to be multiplied by 5, added some piss scenes where little girls piss themselves and Lucy smells on it and of course lot of Softporn and even more completely naked uncensored Childs. For some times I got the feeling the FBI is watching me because I read this shit.
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Anything bad you said about the Anime, needs to be multiplied by 5, added some piss scenes where little girls piss themselves and Lucy smells on it and of course lot of Softporn and even more completely naked uncensored Childs. For some times I got the feeling the FBI is watching me because I read this shit.