How to use BBcode
BBCode is used to format text and insert URLs, pictures, and videos in forum posts, profiles, comments, and PMs. BBCode is similar to HTML. The only difference is BBCode uses square braces [] instead of <> in HTML.
Text Formatting
You can change the style of the text in the following ways:
  • [b]bold[/b]this makes the text bold
  • [u]underline[/u]this underlines the text
  • [i]italic[/i]this italicises the text
  • [s]strikethough[/s]his strikes through the text
  • [size=50]text 50% of the size[/size]this resizes the text by the specified percentage
  • [color=red]text colored red[/color]this colors the text the specified color
Changing the text style
You can change the font by using the [font=][/font] tag.

You can also use Font Awesome Icons with the [font=Fontawesome][/font] tag.
[font=Fontawesome]font awesome icon gryph[/font]

You can remove formatting with the "Remove formatting" icon

These tags will be removed:
  • bold
  • underline
  • italic
  • strike through
  • text size
  • text color
Text Alignment
You can change the text alignment:
  • [center]text[/center]this centers the text
  • [right]text[/right]this right justifies the text

To return to left-alignment, delete the tag.
Creating lists
You can create a list by using the [list][/list] tag.

To create an un-ordered list:

To create an ordered, numbered list:
Writing raw text
To write raw text, use the [code][/code] tag.
[code]You can make the text bold with the [b]text[/b] tag.[/code]
Making a quote
To quote text, use the [quote][/quote] tag.
[quote]To quote text, use the quote tag.[/quote]

To quote text from a specific person, specify their username.
[quote=firefractal]To quote text from a specific person, specify their username.[/quote]

To quote text from a specific person from a specific forum post, specify their username and message ID.
[quote=Kineta message=65347775]2021 Yearly Wrap-Up...[/quote]
Making a spoiler button
To create a spoiler button, use the [spoiler][/spoiler] tag. The text in between the tags will be hidden until the "Show spoiler" button is clicked.
[spoiler]This is a spoiler for an episode of an anime that could make people angry.[/spoiler]

To make a named spoiler button, can use [spoiler=name][/spoiler].
[spoiler="big secret"]Big Secret[/spoiler]
[spoiler='big secret']Big Secret[/spoiler]
Creating links
To create named link to urls, use the [url=][/url] tag.
  • [url=]Visit MyAnimeList[/url]This would display "Visit MyAnimeList" as an link.
Showing images
To add a picture to your post, use use the [img][/img] tag.

To insert a left- or right-aligned picture, use [img align=left][/img] or [img align=right][/img].
[img align=left][/img]
[img align=right][/img]

You can change the image size by using the [img width= height=] or [img=widthxheight] tag.
[img width=100 height=100][/img]

You can set the image alt text and title by using the [img alt=], [img title=] tag.
[img alt=alt_text title="this is title text"][/img]

Posting a YouTube Video
To insert a YouTube video, use the [yt][/yt] tag with the YouTube video ID (the part that comes after "")
Advanced Text Formatting
  • [justify]text[/justify]this justifies the text
  • [sub]sub[/sub]this applies subscript to the text
  • [sup]sup[/sup]this applies superscript to the text

You can use the preformatted text by using the [pre][/pre] tag.
- test
    - test

You can add a horizontal rule with the [hr] tag.
Creating tables
You can create a table by using the [table][/table] tag.

The following creates a table with a single row and two columns:
    [td]first column[/td]
    [td]second column[/td]
Reuse [tr][/tr] tags for additional rows.
