All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 337.4
Mean Score:
- Watching104
- Completed1,267
- On-Hold46
- Dropped0
- Plan to Watch1,287
- Total Entries2,704
- Rewatched394
- Episodes21,597
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 22.5
Mean Score:
- Reading111
- Completed62
- On-Hold58
- Dropped0
- Plan to Read787
- Total Entries1,018
- Reread2
- Chapters1,897
- Volumes172
All Comments (659) Comments
Haven't read a manhua before either. I've glanced over a handful that're archived online because of the good art, but never a full read-through of anything. Once you get into the rhythm (if you will) of reading something like that, six volumes should go by quicker than you think! It's an effect I'll personally attest to happening amid a longer series, at least.
What work were you doing in Japan?
Will you be able to apply for a new working visa to return again in the next coming months? I believe they don't have many English speakers in Japan so best to try learn the language, or do places like Tokyo able to communicate in English just more some of the smaller towns etc
Monster Musume is such an easy recommendation to make. I'm not well versed in ecchi, but it's close to a one-of-a-kind watch IMO. I've really got to see the spin-off material and try out the manga sooner rather than later.
I am all good thanks! Have you been watching any good anime lately?
Thankfully it appears somebody has posted a MEGA link with all episodes on the final episode discussion page: