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Because public commute is just getting worse these days.
And it sounds nice to be able to travel and have a vacation with your own car~
Of course I still want to be able to read and write more again in the future, but these are currently whats on my plate.
I'm sorry to hear that.. but hearing that it's your 4th makes me confident that you won't need any advice, and that you'll bounce back in no time!
Do keep in mind that I'm always available, should you want someone to listen to anything under the sun c:
Hope you'll get one soon! I mean cringe friends in real-life aren't that common and so bad right? Right?
I feel like I'm getting spoiled so much, it's kinda worrying.
How has the past few years been treating you?
One would think it's embarrassing, right? But most did precisely that! 😂
if he revives mal interviews
There's no way I'm touching that club again, though! Did you want your own interview?