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α no JK dakedo Konyakusha ga Ω no Sensei de Asoko ga Taihen desu
5 hours ago
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I'm glad you seem to be in good spirits and are still with us (weebs) in the MAL community!
Luckily (or unluckily for you), you're someone I always seem to remember.
Happy Birthday!
I hope you enjoy that custom-maid Mob Psycho cake you were begging your parents to get for your special day ;)
Pro-Tip: Don't go overboard with the coffee jelly and ice cream ;)
Talking about Naruto and Boruto, I don't think I've ever shared this with you. It's a quote of something funny I said to another MAL friend about Boruto a while back:
The old magic had gone. It had lost its sparkle and charm. It was like political correctness gone mad. No more naughtiness or mischievousnesses like sexy Jutsu (or reverse sexy Jutsu for Sakura), or making fun of the weird way Shino talks, Sakura's 'billboard brow', and Choji's weight - Asuma: 'I'm a grown man, I can decide if I can afford to keep taking you guys out to barbeque all the time.' Lol. Not to mention Naruto reading pornos with Konahamaru, toilet humor with a spoilt carton of milk, eating cup ramen for breakfast and running out the house without washing your face, a pervy old dude perpetually peeping in the women's baths, and a weird gay innuendo thing (with green body-hugging jumpsuits) between Might Guy and Rock Lee. All that being said, it's still the series of my life. I mean, it's been the best series in my life!
Someone else on MAL I was talking to not long ago said Kawaki was a badass, but haircuts are a really important thing as well. I still remember when the four RWBY girls got new haircuts after a few seasons. Wowza! My mind was blown. In all seriousness, character designs are important though. I think I was most intrigued to see Sarada. She looked like she would be cool and perhaps more interesting to watch than Boruto.
Wow. The nostalgia must be very potent for you, having started with HxH 1999 before elementary school. The 1999 version is something I've yet to watch but I have seen the 2011 version twice. What do you think of the 2 movies? It's been a while but they kinda reminded me of Naruto and Bleach spin-off movies in that they seemed OK but lacked the magic of the full series. I think Phantom Rouge was a bit better and it was nice seeing some Kurapika backstory with his clan and his village, and his relationship with his little blind friend. Some of those scenes were quite emotionally affecting, actually. Yes. One of my MAL friends was celebrating that Togashi has resumed work on the manga. I think the chapters would have to build up a little before any plans of an adaptation come to fruition. I've heard after the point where the anime ends, the manga moves back to focusing on Kurapika. I know he still has unfinished business with the Troupe but I wonder what new stories or development he gets? What new powers or tricks up his sleeve he has gained, or new strategies has he developed? I've heard that he's a master tactician so part of the fun will be seeing how he goes about dispatching the Troupe.
Yeah, you've got to love Leorio. He brought some humor and mirth to the table certainly. I remember someone on MAL saying it was all about Leorio lol. One of the best moments was when he speaks out at the climax of the chairman elections and apologizes for wanking away all the time. So that's what he was doing while the Chimera Ant arc was going on lol. Nah, I've not read any manga and haven't come across any spoilers but have seen people on MAL mention the Dark Continent arc. Yeah, Heavens Arena was better than the Chairman Election arc. One of the highlights was Mr. Wing and Zushi...OSU!! And that leaf on a glass of water test to determine their nen ability was memorable. The Hunter Exams was a strong and engaging way to start the series but I can't decide if Yorknew or Chimera Ant is my favorite. Greed Island is probably my third. I loved the card/item collecting element and that it had the feeling of a computer game within a story. Also, Genthru was a good antagonist. The first time you see it you're surprised at just how ruthless he is. How do you rate the Alluka arc? I'm not even sure how it's usually referred to as I haven't come across many people talking about it. I thought it was really solid story-wise and I liked the dark supernatural element to it. Also, it was nice to see the caring and loving big brother emerge in Killua (which makes him a much more sympathetic character overall) and to see more of the Zoldyk family. I'd probably rate it behind Greed Island and ahead of The Hunter Exams.
Nothing's decided for sure but I know Golden Kamuy is very popular in Japan so there could well be at least a fifth season. I don't mind waiting for it myself. Also, the more AOT the better. At this point, I wouldn't mind one more extension because I'm just loving it so much. Like 'AOT The Final Season, The Final Chapter, The All-Time Ultimate Final Conclusion, Part 4.' And then after that, announce that there's going to be one last final conclusion movie. Hahahahaha.
You're right. I think the wide range of character designs, personalities, and different powers/skills in Bleach, is one of its strongest points. The 13 Captains are a bit like the Phantom Troupe in that regard. Hitsugaya is a fan favorite and it was always funny how everyone treated him like a kid, even though he was a fully-fledged Captain. I'd say Mayuri (the Captain in the following picture) was one of my favorites.
On the downside, Bleach does have a bit of a repetitive formula, especially the Espada arc that comes after the Soul Society/Seireitei one, and the whole thing is needlessly protracted. Also, there's lots of non-canon filler. It'll be interesting to see if the new Bleach manages to put right these problems. One thing is for sure, there's an end to the friend who needs to be rescued formula.
Hey, we have to respect each other as fellow Narutards and Sasuketards lol. Have you seen any Boruto? What are your thoughts about it?
I remember you saying you used to think HxH was the greatest thing since cup ramen, back in the day - or words to that effect. Maybe it's only me who has a cup ramen fixation hahaha. Certainly, it's one of the best of all time, and its popularity seems to be ever increasing. At this moment in time, it's the 10th most popular series on MAL, and its rating is the joint 7th highest. I've got some anime that are more personally important to me but I still got a lot out of a rewatch I did a couple of years ago. Only the Heavens Arena arc and the Chairman Elections arc seemed a bit mediocre or underwhelming. My faves are the Yorknew arc, Greed Island, and the Chimera Ant arc. All a 10/10 for me.
I don't know anything for certain but apparently, the Kamuy manga ended on April 28th, 2022. There's some speculation from manga fans that another 12 episodes won't be enough to conclude the remaining chapters so there could be more anime to come after season 4.
Yeah, I've noticed that a lot of younger people and people new to anime have started to get into Bleach. I think they've heard there's something big (the TYBW arc adaptation) that's making waves as it gradually approaches the shore. Looking back, at times it could seem quite immature and overly protracted (long drawn-out fights with people announcing their moves and intentions along with lots of spiel), but it seemed great when I first started anime 10 and a half years ago. It was the first long-running series I really became invested in. A few years later, I ended up getting more into Naruto, and these days I would say the best action series for me would be AOT, Vinland Saga, and the new 3-D, Ghost in the Shell 2045 series. Also, US animated series like Castlevania, Arcane, and RWBY. Tbh during the last few years, I think I'm finding that anime seems to triumph and distinguish itself better in comedy, slice of life, iyashikei (healing/relaxing), and drama series and movies than in pure action genre. I wonder where the new Bleach will stand? I hope it gets a bit cooler and more mature and fast-paced.
I like your new profile picture/avatar. I can imagine you as that persona. Who is it? It's better than that black and white Sasuke one. That seemed a bit lackluster and dreary. No offense!
Yeah, I wouldn't expect Double Decker with Doug and Kirill to be to everyone's taste. It seemed an alright detective/comedy series as it was airing though, and because I was still new to MAL, I remember having fun posting in the forums after each episode aired. I remember talking about HxH and you saying you liked Shizuku. You even contributed to my HxH thread and were the 3rd person to do so - mentioning Pakunoda & Nobunaga. I'm glad you liked Golden Kamuy and I remember noticing Tanigaki in your faves. I think Kamuy season 4 is on its way this autumn. The perfect time of year for it. It really has been a long and winding road of a mysterious and unpredictable adventure series. I'd love to see how the story ends and how things turn out for all the main characters.
Thinking about it, the only time I've ever heard 'jelly' being used in place of 'jealous' is in that animated comedy, Amphibia. It sounds funny because I'd usually associate it with fruit-flavored wibbly-wobbly jelly, and jelly and ice cream.
I still remember you from the old days. Like 4 years ago when you had that parental advisory notice on your profile :)
Wow, congratulations on the Master's degree. I hope it will enable you to do whatever you want with work or a career.
I'm still in Britain as I have been for nearly all my life. There's a lot of talk about a deadly heatwave that's on its way, that will see unprecedented temperatures. It could reach 40 centigrade in the south and 35 in the north over the coming days. Think it's finally time to take those socks of then :)
Haha. Jelly. I love that expression! I remember hearing it in the Disney animated comedy series 'Amphibia' for the time a couple of years ago. Actually, the main character Anne is Thai and is voiced by an actress who's half Thai and half Hmong. It's really funny, colorful, and kinda psychedelic, and the creator was inspired by his trips to Thailand. I'd recommend it if you haven't seen it before.
Anyway, took me a while to realize what eruri is lmao. I didn't google it but that must be it, what else could it be
Hope you're doing well, Maid Lavender :)