All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 36.1
Mean Score:
- Watching74
- Completed792
- On-Hold408
- Dropped14
- Plan to Watch189
- Total Entries1,477
- Rewatched122
- Episodes2,146
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 78.4
Mean Score:
- Reading64
- Completed2,153
- On-Hold1,630
- Dropped96
- Plan to Read75
- Total Entries4,018
- Reread35
- Chapters11,356
- Volumes1,213
All Comments (288) Comments
A (not so) funny story from my childhood: my mother was at the local police station to apply for a permit to visit her aunt in West Germany. I (4 or 5 years old) was with her and at some point I said, it smells like pig in here. Suffice to say that she didn't get the permit.
Thank you very much proximo! ^///^
PS: Sorry for the late response. >w>
I haven't watched more Oni chichi but I've been planning on it since I do love me some dad x daughter hanime lol
hentai haven
I wouldn't say it was a review (hehe), more or less a brief summary of my immediate reaction of sorts. I think I searched for the title and clicked on the first two or three sites that I found.