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Days: 617.2
Mean Score:
- Watching33
- Completed3,626
- On-Hold16
- Dropped0
- Plan to Watch169
- Total Entries3,844
- Rewatched13
- Episodes39,984
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Days: 120.1
Mean Score:
- Total Entries442
- Reread1
- Chapters19,543
- Volumes2,114
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Have a wonderful day 💖
Ah yes that is so true, I managed to watch a lot of anime since we last spoke but i’m focusing on just a few now. Oh and guess what?? I started watching hajime no ippo a few months ago (currently on ep 15) and it’s pretty good so far! Tbh I usually dislike sports like boxing and things that have a lot of action but i found myself really enjoying it, a lot thanks to them giving the characters a lot of personality and diving deep into them and the heartfelt story. I’d say my favorite character right now is Takamura.
Oh i see, that’s unfortunate (older anime is the BEST!!) But yeah i feel like that’s similar to how it was for me growing up but animes gotten so popular now more than ever so i bet kids nowadays have it easier finding and watching a lot of shows. They don’t know the struggles like us! XD
Ahhyeee Mokona’s such a big cutie as well 😍 from magic knight rayearth right? i’m going to continue this trend by sending you…calumon!! 😎