
Forgot or Lost Your Email Address?

If you are having trouble to accessing the email address registered to your MAL account, please provide us the following information. Once we have confirmed your identity, we’ll let you know your new temporary password.

!! Important Notice !!

  • Please access this page from the same device (PC, smartphone, etc.) that you used to last access MAL.
  • We will confirm your identity by comparing the data entered here and the data we have saved. Only after confirming your identity will we be able to send you your new temporary password.
  • For all other inquiries, please click here

Please enter your last password you used before the ‘forced password reset’ occurred.
Passwords entered on this form are not stored in any way.

TIP: If you save your passwords on your browser, you can confirm your password from your browser’s setting page. For example, if you use Chrome, go “chrome://settings/passwords” and search “” in your list.