Bullet point takeaways:
--> The franchise is facing the Dragon Ball problem. The fights so far, in gaming terms, have been an attribute check followed by a stat check.
--> In classic low level writing fashion, the plot is staged by lack of information. There's only a couple of characters who know whats up. Everyone else is walking in a dark room.
--> Animation isn't lazy. Thats the most that can be said about it. Art is lackluster.
--> MCs haven't matured. In fact, they've degraded to the point it feels like this anime is a parody of itself.
--> What remains is the (borrowed) legendary world building. And it is falling apart too. The new characters introduce powers that are plain stupid.
Thoughts: If anything is to be complained about, it should be the source and this studios willingness to put any resources into this capitalistic attempt of a continuation. If you take away the brand of Mashima, this story is a failure. OG fanatics will still gobble this adaptation, basking in the bright afterglow of FT's former glory days. It could've been great, but it missed the mark by a lot.
I don't expect that this anime will get better. Everyone has reached their personal goals and this has now turned into an aimless journey fueled by the "mystery" or "the lack of info" of the the 100YQ. And the mystery was resolved in ep1. What remains its neither mystery nor story. Just plot armor and mediocrity.
Happy Watching.