This show is painfully generic, to the point where it feels like a project designed purely for an animation house to flex its muscles, without any thought given to substance. The characters are boring, the plot is boring, it's just Mashle mixed with Black Clover, played 100% straight. There are occasional moments where the plot shows a few signs of life, but it's almost instantly buried under a mountain of insipid dialogue. I really cannot imagine why more thought was not given to how to make this show interesting, given how much love and care clearly went into the animation, which brings me to the basis of my tacit recommendation-
The animation is truly gorgeous, to the point where I would recommend anyone watch the first 3 or so episodes purely for the animation if they care even a little bit about that kind of thing. The animation quality dips very hard at episode 4 anyway, with a modest return to form in 5.
The cat is also very cute. I will probably finish this show based on the animation alone, which is impressive given that I'm usually a story and character first kind of guy. I'm mostly just sad that so much love and care didn't get poured into better material.