I absolutely love those laid-back, delightful animes that let you kick back and relax! There’s nothing quite like curling up in your chair or on your bed, ready to enjoy some worry-free viewing. This anime totally fits the bill! I really appreciate shows that make you think a little but are still lighthearted. Plus, it had some genuinely funny moments that brought a big smile to my face. I feel like it’s only going to get better with each season, and I can’t wait to see where it goes!
There’s something so charming about the story of a shy middle school boy and a girl who shows her feelings by playfully teasing him. At first, I wasn’t sure if I’d like the girl’s character, but my perspective shifted completely over time. What really stood out to me was how Takagi, while being playful with Nishikata, never crosses any boundaries with the other boys—such a refreshing take! It made me realize she’s truly the perfect female lead. Their relationship is so healthy and pure, which is a breath of fresh air compared to some of the more over-the-top romance in recent animes.
Now, let’s talk about the specifics! I thought the story was lovely, funny, and totally engaging—it’s like a nice mental break from the bustle of life. The animation was great; I didn’t come across any scenes that bothered me at all! I really liked the cute and unique art style. The characters were well-developed and adorable; I often found myself laughing along and feeling connected to them, especially the black-haired girl in the trio—she’s definitely my kind of character!
And how about the sound? The voice cast is fantastic! I was thrilled to hear Nishikata is voiced by the same actor who brought Eren Yeager and Todoroki to life—what an interesting role switch for him! I really admire his versatility. The opening and ending themes were enjoyable, too. I’m all in for the next chapter of this anime—I can’t wait to see what happens next!