This show is criminally underrated. Not sure where the hate is flowing from. Perhaps it transcends its trashy OP MC slop and into the realms of respectable anime like Toriko, Naruto, Bleach, and other highly sophisticated offerings.
First, to enjoy this, you have to turn your brain off. That should be a given, considering the genre. So, it should be no different than 99% of other animes. Second and despite its title, it's not an edgy villain tale. Finally, it has no harem or ecchi elements. That last one may emotional shake some viewers who are accustomed to le wacky bobs bouncing awry and red-faced floozies.
The negatives: it doesn't stop and smell the roses; very little time is spent on training arcs or learning the ropes of his powers. The MC pretty much embraces it, while learning on the job without much whimpering. If you've grown accustomed to whimpering MCs and enjoy the taste, move along. He is willing to kill, not in a malicious way but in a smart manner. Another negative is the development of the antagonists early in the story appear to be abandoned as they move on with the story. Ofc, they come back if you read the LN, but this show desperately needs at least one more season. The final big negative is that they blew through 3 Light Novel's worth of material in 12 episodes. While it's not the most rushed show I've ever seen, it is definitely hurt by it.
The postives: mostly everything else. The story is enjoyable, if you like trash slop. The characters are interesting and capable. The music isn't offensive; there's enough mystery and action to keep it moving for 12 episodes. Like most things, it's down to taste. I feel like this is a better version of Arifureta without the bombast or ecchi. Unfortunately, this is almost certainly going to be more of an advertisment for the manga/LNs than anything else. It tries to whet your appetite and not much else. If you see it that way and don't mind reaching for the LNs, then you'll probably enjoy it if you like the genre. For anime only plebs, well, I guess it could be a deal killer.