Introduction Hi MAL users! Welcome to my profile. Born and raised in Hong Kong, anime culture could be seen everywhere. The "Umbrella" Movement, an important event in Hong Kong's modern history, had used Totoro as one of their character mascots. I have an original poster from the movement in my bedroom, although it was only until I got into anime that I realized who Totoro was.
I began my MAL journey on February 17th, 2016 when I was recommended the site. I came in expecting MAL to be a streaming site. This happened to be the coinciding date that my love for anime began, as I became enraptured with anime through Another. Watching it dissolved my misconception that anime was just for children.
Club It was Hyouka that led to my investigation of what the MAL forums were like. I was interested in seeing if there were any Classic Literary Club reiterations, but to my disappointment, they were all extremely inactive. Upon completing Gosick, the first anime I had completed in March, I had the sudden urge to create a club. This came in the form of The Newbie Club. At that point, I had no clue what I was getting into, but I was able to expand and build upon it through the support of many others.
I began the club feeling it was important that new members of both MAL and anime have a place to confide in and connect. I also remember first entering the medium, being confused about all the terminology and variety of anime. It is for these reasons the club was created.
Conclusion For those of you have read this far, congratulations! I'm surprised you've read the entire thing (or maybe you just skipped to the end). Thank you and have a good day!
All Comments (1989) Comments
We did plan on going to NYC this Saturday, but my fiancé is sick, so we will see.
My wedding will be in Europe, so we will be traveling. We're not going to go to our honeymoon straight away because too much traveling.
For our honeymoon, we are going to St. Lucia.
English my first language and I spoke Japanese and French since I was little. I taught myself Korean in hs. In School, it was a requirement to learn a foreign language, so I decided on Chinese. I was born in the UK and live in England and move to the US in 4th grade.
I feel you, we should feel grateful on what we currently have
Any New Year Resolution?
Thankyouuuu!! Yes there is a lot to plan and manage, but thankfully I do have a wedding planner and having a wedding planner make it so much easier.
Learning languages is definitely not easy and learning a new language as an adult is not easy because it is easier to learn when you are younger and you don't have time to learn a new language when you're older.
I know its late
My wedding is in June too, so I will be busy with wedding stuff.
Happy New Year
Sending you warm wishes for
a Happy New Year filled
with love and joy.
I hope 2024 brings you lots of love, laughter and joy <3
Happy New Year!!!