All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 291.8
Mean Score:
- Watching38
- Completed1,268
- On-Hold41
- Dropped290
- Plan to Watch317
- Total Entries1,954
- Rewatched56
- Episodes18,063
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 235.5
Mean Score:
- Reading265
- Completed491
- On-Hold40
- Dropped53
- Plan to Read524
- Total Entries1,373
- Reread143
- Chapters25,231
- Volumes3,004
All Comments (2329) Comments
It seems like my friend have tried emailing them/contacting support about it but no response.
I might have to re-watch Kaleido Star again 🥲
Ohh, I was thinking they were all grabbed from the episodes :'D Wouldn't have thought there would be so many in just the opening. Regardless, is a really cool addition the profile ^^
I honestly didn't even think that at all with the eyes but ig I can see some people thinking that way. I just thought it was really cool you were able to get that many unique quality close up shots with so few eps out right now. But I've always like shots like that so my opinion is a bit biased :'D
Lmaooo Mamo's silly voice acting :')