All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 167.4
Mean Score:
- Watching85
- Completed914
- On-Hold124
- Dropped0
- Plan to Watch4,474
- Total Entries5,597
- Rewatched15
- Episodes11,678
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 81.1
Mean Score:
- Reading619
- Completed163
- On-Hold21
- Dropped0
- Plan to Read9,716
- Total Entries10,519
- Reread1
- Chapters9,651
- Volumes702
All Comments (604) Comments
🎉 Happy 2024, Vind~ 🎉
As usual, great job with the News Team!
Glad you were able to find more
reliable members to pump out news and
lessen the load work!
Hope that means more time to deal with
the interviews :anyasmug:
Jokes aside, thanks for always
answering my questions!
❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆
May good things come
your way this year!
HAPPY NEW YEAR 2 0 2 4 🎉
Woah, he's hot! :fire:
Paradox Live MAL Official Club
>**Click here to check out our fan-made signatures created by OfDeathandLove & Dancho**<
What is Paradox Live?
At the Paradox Live event, held at the legendary CLUB Paradox, four teams—BAE, The Cat’s Whiskers, cozmez, and Akanyatsura—competed for supremacy and caught the attention of legendary rappers BURAIKAN, who decided to start a new event. Many intensely skilled contestants approached BURAIKAN, and from the most outstanding candidates, eight teams were selected.
The fight is heating up, and the momentum will undoubtedly propel Phantom Live to new heights. Who will be the next iconic artist?"
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